Auto Painting

Auto Painting

A car’s paint job is very important to its appearance. The paint lets the world know of what kind of driver you are. This is crucial if you are hoping to make a good first impression. For professional and reliable auto painting jobs and finishes, you can count on Ken's California Auto Body Repair & Painting.

Auto Painting

Our auto paint shop is one of the best in the San Rafael, CA area, helping all those who require a color touch up or new paint job the expertise they’re expecting. A new paint job could show off the best aspects of their car. Whether you want to go for energizer red or a subtle blue, we have a keen eye for color matching your perfect coat of paint. In addition to our auto painting services, we also offer auto and collision repair. This service comes in handy when a driver gets into an accident and requires replacement of new body parts.

We make sure that your car gets the attention it needs to bring it back to life. From the correct replacement parts to exact color matching, you can rely on us to make your car look like new. For more information on our paint and body shop, contact Ken's California Auto Body Repair & Painting in San Rafael, CA today!

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